Seeing through the self illusion: This blog is about spiritual awakening using the concept of the 10 fetters as described by Buddha. The first step is to see through the self illusion – the streamentry.
Feeling feelings – how does that actually work?
Excursus: Feeling feelings: In the inquiry into fetters we often work with body sensations. But what exactly are body sensations and how can we feel them?
Awakening: The end of suffering
When we no longer suffer, awakening has come. Awakening and the end of suffering are the same.
Restlessness: The 9th fetter
Restlessness is a state of insecurity and unease.
The sense of being: The 8th fetter
The sense of being is the assumption that I am.
Invitation to work with me
For some, enlightenment strikes like a blow. Others find it after decades of searching. After years of meditation. Or with a guru. So it’s pretty unlikely that awakening could happen to you.
Spiritual awakening – a cosmic joke
What is actually meant when people talk about spiritual awakening? This text is about spiritual awakening using the concept of the 10 fetters as described by Buddha.
There is no self, I do not exist!
Continuation of What is the self?
Direct Pointing – Direct experience
For the inquiry into the self illusion and the other fetters, we work with direct pointing. I would like to invite you to find out what they are.