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You have selected the Community Membership membership level.

Guiding through the 10 Fessters in a written dialogue (about 2 to 3 years).

  • We write to each other 2-3 times a week via Messenger.
  • 1 x per month community meeting in video chat (MET).
  • Access to the community forum

2 free spaces

I will guide you for a monthly contribution of your choice (my recommendation is 4% of your household income). Please consider contributing at least 55 euros per month. That is the cost-covering contribution for myself. Once we have agreed on the contribution, you will receive a corresponding voucher code from me for the booking.

Keep in mind that we will be working together for quite some time. The work on the fetter can take 2 to 3 years.

With a contribution recommendation that is calculated as a percentage of income, I hope for a principle of solidarity. Low contributions from some people will be offset by higher contributions from others. From my point of view, everyone gives the same and there is no reason for favouritism.

We are a group of like-minded people who work together on the fetter. A requirement to be accepted is your willingness to participate in this community and to come regularly to the monthly group meetings.

I can only do a limited number of guidings at the same time. There are therefore a limited number of places that are allocated on a long-term basis.

If you don't want a long-term commitment and prefer to enquire on your own, I offer monthly open support groups.

Der Preis für den Zugang beträgt 0.00€ und dann 250.00€ pro Monat.

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