Open Fetter Group

Are you self-enquiring into the 10 Fetters or would you like to know how to get started?

Maybe this group is for you.

Online support group for self-guiding ones with max. 6 participants once a month. You can get your questions answered, so that you can move forward in the easiest way possible.

You can join at any point in your enquiry.

Has the self illusion already disappeared due to a clear shift? Then please answer the questions here in preparation.

Please answer the questions here


The group will normally take place on the fourth Tuesday of the month at 19:30 MET Berlin time.

What time is that for you?

Your Contribution

20 €

Book your appointment

Videochat via Whereby

No installation of a programme is necessary. It runs in your browser. The preferred browsers are Chrome and Firefox. Please make sure you have good Wi-Fi reception and wear a headset if possible.

You will receive the link to the meeting after booking.

Whereby Support Center

Stay Up to date

When you join the group, also become a member of the forum. If I have any exercises for you, I will give them to you there. You can then inquire about them until the next group meeting. I will be able to answer 1 – 2 questions there. If you need more support, come to the regular guiding.



10 fetter guide – beyond fetter. Located in Germany.

Contact me with any questions

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Please add to your address book or check your spam folder if you are expecting a message from me.

Fetter Group Requirements

First of all: My offer is aimed at anyone who really wants to work seriously with fetters. It’s not just another group you can socialize with. My goal is to help you through the fetters stringently and without frills.

I am not a therapist and the enquiry of the 10 fetters is not therapy.

The 10 fetters enquiry is not a substitute for psychological or medical treatment.

To do this work, it is important that you are emotionally and mentally stable.

If you already know that you have had traumatic experiences and these have not yet been treated, the effect of this enquiry can pull the rug from under your feet. By removing the self structure, all the defense mechanisms that have protected you from the trauma disappear. It would be wise to first find an appropriate treatment for the trauma so that you are not overwhelmed by it when the defense mechanisms are no longer effective.

And that you have both feet firmly on the ground.

This means that you are at least 25 years old and have completed your education.

Are you ready to be 100% honest with yourself?

Without honesty about everything that comes up, it doesn’t work. Are you ready to be honest about your experience, even if it means that it is not what you would like it to be?

Are you willing to give the highest priority to the enquiry into the self illusion?

The enquiry into the self illusion lives on dynamism and continuity. You should have the leisure to deal with it daily. It would be a hindrance if you had to divide your attention, for example because you have to study for an exam.

In the next fetters, you will very likely develop your own rhythm.

Are you willing to question all your ideas and assumptions about awakening and to forget any teachings for the duration of the enquiry?

Are you willing to give up all beliefs? To let go of all concepts? To let go of any identification as a spiritual seeker, as a Buddhist – as whatever you believe you are, as whatever you identify yourself with?

No gurus, lamas, teachers, dharma, retreats, satsangs, nonduality talks, fetter groups… Also put aside all spiritual and Buddhist books. Just as well as videos or audios. You would have to put aside everything that deals with the topics of enlightenment and awakening in general and with the self illusion, noself, nonduality, advaita, etc. in particular for the time of our enquiry.

Are you ready to engage fully in the enquiry of your own experience?

Only your own experience is of importance here. Forget everything you have ever read, heard and learned. Try to leave all assumptions and expectations out of the way.

I will not teach you anything. You will not learn anything. We will not have a discussion. We will not exchange arguments. I will not train you, tell you, explain anything. You will not reflect, philosophize, or even think.

I will ask questions and you will look for the answers in your own experience. That is your task! It is important to refer to direct experience when answering, not to thoughts, conclusions or assumptions. You want to see the truth directly!

Are you willing to stick with the process you have started, even if unpleasant feelings arise?

Because that’s what will happen… Working with the 10 fetters is not a feel-good or wellness program. It is not about self-care or optimization. You will not always feel good during and after the process. This is not about mindfulness, self-love or a higher consciousness.

You are responsible for your own motivation to “stick with it”.

I also cannot take responsibility for your mental health or well-being.

As mentioned above, I am not a therapist. This is not going to be therapy. If you have problems that you hope to solve through this, forget it. On the contrary, you should be able to face the challenges of life when you start this work.

I will be there for you as a good friend, as a guide.