Some are hit by enlightenment, like a bolt of lightning. Others only find it after decades of searching. After years of meditation. Or through an encounter with a guru. So it seems rather unlikely that awakening could happen to you. And yet it is so simple. With the concept of the “10 fetters”, Buddha has described a step-by-step guide to awakening.
10 fetter guide - beyond fetter.
Located in Germany. Guided by Christiane Michelberger and guide since 2019.
Buddha explained that there are 10 assumptions or 10 fetters that stand in the way of awakening.
On my blog, I described each of the 10 fetters. And also how you can work with them.
You do not experience the awakened state because you read some assumptions into what is actually there.
Bahiya, you will realize: in the seen, there will simply be the seen. In the heard, there will only be the heard. In the thought, there will simply be the thought. In the recognized, there will simply be the recognized. In all of this, you will not be seen, heard, thought or recognized. When you are not seen, heard, thought or recognized, you are not there. If you are not there, you do not exist, there or anywhere else. This is the end of suffering.
The 10 Fetters
Through the 10 fetters to awakening
The concept of the 10 fetters is one of the Buddha’s discoveries.
Direct Pointing – Direct experience
Direct Pointing: For the inquiry into the self illusion and the other fetters, we work with direct experience. I would like to invite you to find out what they are.
Spiritual awakening – a cosmic joke
What is actually meant when people talk about spiritual awakening? This text is about spiritual awakening using the concept of the 10 fetters as described by Buddha.
Awakening: The end of suffering
When we no longer suffer, awakening has come. Awakening and the end of suffering are the same.
We simply assume that we are as we think we are, and that reality is as we believe it to be, and from there we set out on our journey. We accept these facts as fixed and certain and move forward from this point. Thus, the fundamental error, from which all others are derived, is already committed and immune from being discovered and corrected.
Jed McKenna
Seeing through the self illusion
Self Illusion
The self illusion is the first fetter.
The assumption that there is someone who exists independently of everything else. Someone who has a life that they direct, over which they are the decision-maker. A person who thinks, decides and acts. Someone who controls something and is in charge of themselves.
What is the self?
Is there a self that thinks, experiences, chooses, decides, acts? In the past, I would have answered: Of course it’s me! I think, I decide, I act! I am the decision-maker, the one who says what’s what! But then something happened that threw my self off track. I took a
Self-illusion inquiry
In the inquiry of the self illusion you don’t go “inward”. You search for the self in direct experience. With the five senses.
Seeing through the self illusion
Seeing through the self illusion is the first step, the first of the 10 fetters, the streamentry.
10 fetter guide - beyond fetter.
Located in Germany. Guided by Christiane Michelberger and guide since 2019.
You are not experiencing the awakened state because you are reading some assumptions into what is actually there. In a dialogue, we will examine these seven assumptions that distort the experience of reality and obscure awakening. I will ask you questions and you will examine your own experience and find out what is true and what is not.
I have been guiding people through the fetters since 2019. During this time, a group of like-minded people has come together to work on the fetters with me.
Alternatively, I offer intensive 1:1 support, 30-day support and open support groups.
If any of these offers sounds interesting to you, then write to me: