Self Illusion

The self illusion is the first fetter.

The assumption that there is someone who exists independently of everything else. Someone who has a life that they direct, over which they are the decision-maker. A person who thinks, decides and acts. Someone who controls something and is in charge of themselves.

That is what we are all convinced of. That is what our understanding of the world and ourselves is based on.

Of course we live a self-determined life! Or at least we strive for it.

We are responsible for almost everything we do. It’s our own fault if our lives don’t go well. Or we blame others.

We make decisions that are often difficult for us. Because what if we are wrong?

We go a way, towards some goal.

We try to use our time in the best possible way. To develop, to optimize, to become better, to grow, to achieve something.

We find others nice or mean. We divide the world into good and evil. Beautiful and ugly. Better or worse.

That is what defines us! How we see the world, how we react to it, how others find us.

We are someone.

And we have never asked ourselves whether this is really the case. We just take it as a given fact.

But this is the most important question.

Am I? Am I really a someone? A person? An independent existence? Who has a life? Here I am – there is the world, the others?

Am I my thoughts? Do I think? Am I the voice in my head?

Am I the one who determines my life? Am I the one who makes the decisions?

Am I this person who acts? Who does something?

Am I in control of what happens?

Am I my body? Or in my body?

To assume that you are this person is the self illusion.

It is actually quite easy to see through, because it is obvious.

But we have become so accustomed to this belief that, on the other hand, it is difficult to shake.

We believe that we are this someone, but we are not.

Buddha explained that there are 10 assumptions or 10 fetters that stand in the way of awakening. If you want to know what these are, read on here: Through the 10 fetters to