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- CommunityFor members only
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- vor 5 Monaten, 3 Wochen
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- Begleitung | Guiding
- Guiding to read along - please do not reply
- Guiding zum Mitlesen - bitte nicht antworten
- 1
- vor 2 Monaten, 3 Wochen
- Begleitung | Guiding
- Open Fetter GroupNext dates & general exchange for all participants of the Open Fetter GroupWhen you join the Open Fetter Group, also become a member of the forum. If I have any exercises for you, I will give them to you here. You can then inquire about them until the next group meeting. I will be able to answer 1 - 2 questions here. If you need more support, come to the regular guiding.
- 8
- vor 1 Woche, 1 Tag
- Open Fetter Group