
Foren Open Fetter Group Adrienne

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  • #1245

      Guiding Adrienne

      • Dieses Thema wurde geändert vor 2 Monaten, 4 Wochen von Steffi.
      • Dieses Thema wurde geändert vor 2 Wochen, 6 Tage von Steffi.
    Ansicht von 15 Antworten – 1 bis 15 (von insgesamt 43)
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    • #1252

        Thank you Steffi. I will certainly do this inquiry. I don’t seem to experience strong emotions any more, though. I will use it with the feelings that arise in the body, although they might be weak.



          When I ask the question “Is there a sense of self?” when doing things, I am unable to answer the question. Somehow the word “self” doesn’t make any sense. Could it be because I have exchanged the belief in self for the belief in no self? If yes, is that a problem? What is the way out? Should I continue asking about a sense of self even if there is no answer? Are we expecting the mind to give an answer here?


            Dear Adrienne!

            We do not expect an answer from the mind. The self can emerge as a thought or as a feeling. So observe in everyday life whether self thoughts or a sense of self arise. So when you are sitting, feel into your body and see if the feeling is there: I am sitting. Or when you look out of the window, for example, see if it feels like YOU are looking out of the window. Or do thoughts arise that say: I am sitting, I am looking out of the window…?

            It could be that the thought then arises: There is no self! And that ends the search for the sense of self and the self thought, then it could be that it has become a new belief that tells itself that there is no self.

            If this happens, then simply let this thought move on and search freshly in your experience for the sense of self.


              There is no sense of self at all. No feeling or thought saying that “I am lying on the bed”, or “I am writing”. There are still thoughts about the me and what the me has to do, like “I need to do the washing-up”. There is also the feeling of separation, although it is not clear what is separate from what.


                Dear Adrienne! I read your guide at LU. You kept taking breaks because you weren’t feeling well and did trauma work. How are you doing now? How do you feel?


                  Hi Steffi

                  I believe you have read my first LU thread. Since then I have had a second one under the name avva2. I graduated from LU just a few days ago, but I am still in dialogue with Elad because there hasn’t been a shift. I am still looking for the sense of self and finding only thoughts.
                  I have been feeling well. The depression I had was gone by January 2024. Since then I have been fine. I did trauma work with a therapist and also with vince.

                  Looking forward to our next meeting.



                    Dear Adrienne!

                    If the sense of self is still there, but cannot be localized when you look for it, you have already come a long way.
                    Now it is a matter of repeatedly looking where the sense of self appears.
                    Is there an instance that notices that no self can be found?
                    Focus your attention on the sense of self. Where does it seem to be perceived?
                    The sense of self is the object of investigation and you are looking at it directly. Is there really a self to be found there?
                    Can you perceive a sense of self right now?
                    If so, where can you find it?
                    Focus your attention on the sense of self.
                    If the search is frustrating because you can’t find anything, you know that you are really looking.


                      Dear Steffi!

                      There is no self in seeing, hearing, perceiving or experiencing! There is no self here and now! The self lives only in the storyland of thoughts!



                        Hi Steffi

                        It is becoming more and more obvious that there is no self. No shift yet.



                          Dear Adrienne!

                          This is great. Look where it is not so obvious. Is there something left, where the self is hiding?

                          🙂 Steffi


                            Hi Adrienne!
                            Here is the exercise:

                            Watch the thought process once from the 1st row. Look at your thoughts directly.

                            Sit down comfortably, relax and let your thoughts run. Now follow some questions, take 5 minutes for each one. You do not need to do the exercise all at once.

                            Please quote the questions one by one so I know what your answers refer to.

                            Where do the thoughts come from and go to? Wait curiously for the next thought and see.

                            Can you predict what thought will come next? Can you prevent it from appearing if you don’t like it? Can you eliminate a thought once it has appeared?

                            Can you make the decision NOT to think?

                            Decide to think a particular thought. What happens when you look closely at it?

                            Is the thought “I” a special kind of thought that can think other thoughts? Or does it come from the same place as the other thoughts?

                            Think of a number between 1 and 100. Do you know what number comes before it appears?

                            Do you find someone thinking, or does it all happen by itself, without control by a thinker?


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                              You will find a link in the line directly under your name (at the top): Subscribe oder Abonnieren


                                Thank you, Steffi, I have subscribed. I will come back later with some answers to the questions.


                                  Hi Steffi

                                  Where do thoughts come from? No idea. They suddenly appear, as the sounds and the smells. There is a feeling that they are perceived/noticed first in a non-verbal form, and then they are somehow put into words – all done very quickly and effortlessly. The thoughts immediately pull away attention to their content, like a giant magnet, in a way that the content takes over from consciously registering that a thought has just appeared. When the thought/thought train is gone, the mind registers that there were thoughts – in retrospect. Thoughts are rarely caught red-handed, in the act.

                                  Where do thoughts go? They just evaporate and disappear from the mind. If the mind wants to keep hold of a thought, it will keep repeating it again and again, until it is dropped.

                                  Sometimes thoughts can be felt “under the surface” so to speak – not conscious enough to be put into words, but conscious enough to generate sensations in the body (feelings).



                                    Can you predict what thought will come next? No, absolutely not.
                                    Can you prevent it from appearing if you don’t like it?
                                    No, of course not.
                                    Can you eliminate a thought once it has appeared?
                                    There seems to be something that can stop an especially distressing thought, or at least not go down the route the thought is pointing to. This seeming ability was developed in the past year. But there is no-one doing it. And it doesn’t always work.

                                  Ansicht von 15 Antworten – 1 bis 15 (von insgesamt 43)
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