
Verfasste Forenbeiträge

Ansicht von 15 Antworten – 1 bis 15 (von insgesamt 44)
  • Autor
  • als Antwort auf: Adrienne #2422

      Dear Adrienne!
      We’ll investigate the next fetter and as soon as something comes to light from the 1st fetter, you look at that as a priority. Sometimes it’s just an aspect of the self illusion that hasn’t been looked at yet. It will show itself if it is still there.
      Has Christiane given you precise instructions on how to work with desire and aversion?
      🙂 Steffi

      als Antwort auf: Adrienne #2408

        Dear Adrienna!

        Why does Christiane think you should start with the next fetter?

        Too bad I couldn’t be at the meeting last Monday. Self had the flu and still had quite a cough.

        Look at where the sense of self (do this, say this, be this, control this, decide this, etc.) shows up in everyday life.


        als Antwort auf: Adrienne #2290

          Dear Adrienne!

          When thoughts are there, stop and look around to see if you can see the thinker. And then see if you can hear it, feel it in your body, smell it, etc.


          als Antwort auf: Adrienne #2288

            Dear Adrienne!
            Yes, there is a big difference between the feeling of “I am” and the I or me feeling. The self am feeling can be experienced in meditation. At least that’s what many people report. Whereas in direct experience there is no I or self feeling. Direct experience (hearing, seeing, feeling, smelling, tasting) is free of any illusion. Therefore, you can neither find the self here, nor do you need to look for it there. The self feeling can be experienced and inquired into in everyday life.
            It is exciting that you have discovered this. Perhaps we can now start the inquiry into the first fetter. Let’s talk about it later.

            🙂 Steffi

            als Antwort auf: Adrienne #2284

              Dear Adrienne!

              Did you already worked with direct experience?

              als Antwort auf: Adrienne #2278

                Dear Adrienne! Wow… what a change. What happend that you found the sense of self? Was it somehow hidden, or overseen? Or was there a missleading or missunderstanding?

                You describe the sense of self very well. And yes, when you notice the believing you no longer belief it, but it is there.

                When the sense of self show up next time, then look at it. Where is it? Can you locate it? Is it a thought? A feeling? A body sensation?

                als Antwort auf: Adrienne #1689

                  Thank you, Adrienne!

                  I am sending you a link to register for the meeting via Facebook. It is not the same group. The group that is guided by me through the fetters meets. The meeting takes place in Christiane’s Zoom room.

                  You can also join the Open Fetter Group – up to you.


                  als Antwort auf: Suzana #1688

                    Liebe Suzana!

                    Ich habe noch eine Übung für dich:

                    Mach es dir bequem und schließ die Augen.

                    Atme ein paar Mal tief ein und aus.

                    Mit jedem Einatmen richte dich auf. Strecke dich. Werde lange.
                    Mit jedem Ausatmen lasse alles fallen. Entspanne dich. Werde sanft.

                    Jetzt nimm noch einen tiefen Atemzug und atme dann wieder normal.

                    Achte sofort darauf, ob du eine Art Verkörperung spürst:
                    Hast du das Gefühl, dass du dich mit derjenigen identifizierst, die jetzt gerade sitzt? Und wenn ja, hast du eine Vorstellung davon? Es kann auch nur eine vage Vorstellung sein, die du nicht genau einordnen kannst.

                    Hier schau in den Körper. Fühle die Körperempfindungen. Tauchen vielleicht mentale Bilder auf? Erzählen die Gedanken etwas?

                    Schaue ob es sich so anfühlt, als ob es etwas gibt, das verkörpert ist. Etwas, das hier ist. Hier sitzt. Etwas erwartet. Hier ist für einen Zweck. Hier, um etwas hiermit zu erreichen. Um vielleicht etwas anders oder weiser, kenntnisreicher, ruhiger, friedlicher, entspannter zu werden. Irgendetwas.


                    als Antwort auf: Adrienne #1683

                      Dear Adrienne!
                      I’m sorry it took me so long to answer. I was in Bremen with my family because my uncle passed away.
                      Yes, take a break. I had already asked you whether it would be possible. Just let the inquiry rest completely and don’t write anything more here. Just observe whether and when the I-feeling arises. Write down when it arises, where and how it feels.
                      Do this until December 9. On December 9 at 7:30 pm Berlin time, you are cordially invited to join the English-speaking group of those who are inquiring into the fetters with me and Christiane. Let me know if this works for you.

                      🙂 Steffi

                      als Antwort auf: Adrienne #1669

                        Dear Adrienne!

                        What will your experience be like when the self illusion falls away? How will you perceive the world and yourself afterwards?
                        Even if we usually want to leave thoughts out, here they are in demand. Take a few days and let your thoughts answer this question. And if your thoughts say they have no expectations, don’t let them get away with it. Dig deeper.
                        Are you still working with another guide? With Elad or Vince? Or maybe you are still looking at what they asked you?
                        What if I ask you not to make any inquiries for two weeks, but just to observe whether and when the sense of self arises and to write it down (when it arises, how it feels, etc.)?


                        als Antwort auf: Adrienne #1621

                          Dear Adrienne!
                          It is clear that the self is a thought, and yet a sense of self arises?
                          If that is the case, then focus your attention directly on this sense of self. The sense of self is the object of inquiry.
                          Observe the sense of self as it arises in the present moment and then look (with the five senses).
                          Is there really a self to be found? Where is the one to be found who is thinking?
                          Do not consider the thoughts or draw any conclusions. Just look.
                          If the thought arises: There is no self, or there cannot be a self because of this or that, then put that thought aside, do not believe that thought either, and look again with a fresh view.
                          It is important to keep looking with a fresh view, as if you were looking for the self for the first time.
                          Let’s separate the terms “self” and “sense of self”.
                          Sense of self = the object of investigation
                          Self = the supposed assumption of an entity that controls everything.

                          🙂 Steffi

                          als Antwort auf: Adrienne #1616

                            Hi Steffi
                            The imaginary self manifests itself when the body is reacting to a situation out of conditioning. It is usually in the form of irritation these days or it can be envy. There is an intense unpleasant sensation in the stomach that the body wants to distract from by actions like shouting or crying. When my friend had an awakening a few months ago, I felt intense envy. I was trying to do self-inquiry as to who is feeling this envy, but I was too upset at the time. How do you recommend inquiring into the sense of self? How do you look? Not with your eyes, then how? Adrienne

                            Dear Adrienne! Thank you for writing daily and letting me be a part of it. How to explore the self is a very good question. We look at the self with the five senses: Hearing, seeing, touching, smelling and tasting. And we look to see if we can find a true self in the self sense. So yes, I looked with my eyes. How do you look? Please explain in detail how you look for the self.

                            Have a nice weekend 🙂

                            als Antwort auf: Adrienne #1606

                              Dear Adrienne!

                              So what is the self and how does it manifest itself?

                              als Antwort auf: Adrienne #1549

                                Thank you, Adrienne!

                                What do you expect that liberation is going to be like?
                                What do you want from it?
                                How do you imagine a liberated human behaves?
                                What should it be like?
                                What will it give you, what do you hope for?
                                What don’t you want it to be like?


                                als Antwort auf: Adrienne #1546

                                  Dear Adrienne!

                                  Is this something you have read somewhere or “made up”? Or something you experience?

                                  🙂 Steffi

                                Ansicht von 15 Antworten – 1 bis 15 (von insgesamt 44)